Term is most always your best insurance value. And now is the best time to shop since you are never younger than you are today! With Term Life plans you are purchasing a policy that will pay a specific amount should the named insured pass away.
We offer plans that deliver excellent value, as well as long term guarantees. You may choose to lock in your rates for 10, 15, 20 and even 30 years depending on your age. No matter what happens to your health, to the economy, to insurance rates or regulations – you name it, nothing can change these rates. And once these locked in rates expire, you can requalify for low rates if you choose, or just continue the policy at the rates shown in your policy, either way coverage can be renewed generally up to age 100.
What does it cost to buy time? Less than you’d probably think since rates have just gone down again to some of the lowest levels we’ve experienced in years!